Use Conditions


The storage calculator is provided by Sony as a courtesy for Sony's network camera users only.
While we commit to make every effort to provide accurate information,
Sony will not be held responsible for direct or indirect damages to hardware, software
and information, and/or any financial loss that may have resulted from the use of the calculator.

This storage calculator (Ver. 3 or later) is based on actual measured bitrate values taken by shooting
a reference image. These values are effective as of July 18th, 2012.

Precautions for Use of Calculator
System Requirements

This tool has been designed for use in the following environments:
Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows XP SP3; Windows Vista SP1/SP2; Windows 7
Browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (inc. SP1/SP2)/ 7/ 8 /9
* Users must enable Active Content from this site/media.


This website contains registered trademarks and trademarks that are owned by their respective companies.

August, 2012 Ver. 4.2.1